Sodick is a pioneer manufacturer in numerically controlled (NC) electric discharge machines. Since the formation of our company, there has been a dramatical improvement in precision machining. Sodick have also made tremendous contributions to the world of manufacturing as can be attested by electric discharge control research and development of NC units.
To contribute to our customers’ manufacturing activities, Sodick manufactures and sells electrical discharge machines and high-precision, high-speed machining centers; injection molding machines utilizing the proprietary V-LINE® system; and noodle-making and other automatic food machines in strict accordance with our corporate motto of “Create,” “Implement” and “Overcome Difficulties.” In addition, we apply our in-house technologies to produce the important core parts for these products, including high-speed and high-performance NC units, linear motors and controllers. Sodick achieves high in-house production rates that are unparalleled by other companies.
Our product including the precision machinery designing techniques, control technology and electronics technology is the core competence and in recent years we have expanded the use of these technologies for developing, manufacturing and distributing power supplies for LED lighting equipment.
Going forward, Sodick will further enhance its technological level, promote applied development for new product groups, and contribute to the sustainable development of society through manufacturing.
President and Representative Director Kenichi Furukawa