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SDGs Initiatives

SDGs Initiatives

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 2030 Agenda) is a set of international development goals from 2016 to 2030, which was adopted by the UN Sustainable Development Summit held in September 2015 building on the success of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The 2030 Agenda listed “Sustainable Development Goals” consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets in order to eradicate poverty and realize a sustainable world. The SDGs are universal goals applicable, not only to developing countries but also developed countries, and pledge “Leave no one behind.” through the implementation process.

Japan makes utmost efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda with international community based on the concept of human security.
Source:the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

SDGs Initiatives

Sodick Group and the SDGs

The Sodick Group considers the resolution of the SDGs as an important management issue and aims to realize a sustainable society by contributing to the resolution of social issues.


SDGs Initiatives

Gender Equality


Reduced Inequalities


Sustainable Cities and Communities


Peace, Justice and Strong Institution


Partnerships for the Goals


We appropriately implement security export control to maintain international peace and security.

Social Contribution Activities

Invested in green bonds issued by Kanagawa Prefecture

Sodick invested in Kanagawa Prefecture's 3rd five-year public bond (Green Bond) issued by Kanagawa Prefecture to raise funds for environmental improvement projects. This bond will be used to fund new projects related to rivers, coasts, and erosion control based on the Kanagawa Prefecture Flood Control Strategy.

We agree with the purpose of this bond and will promote efforts to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through investment in this bond.




Cooperating with local governments

In December 2022,We have been registered as a "Kanagawa SDGs Partner".
The Kanagawa SDGs Partner Program is a system under which Kanagawa Prefecture solicits, registers, and disseminates information on companies and organizations that are developing businesses that contribute to the promotion of the SDGs, and the prefecture, companies and organizations work together to promote the SDGs.
We were registered as a partner in recognition of our business and initiatives in line with the three aspects of the SDGs: economic, social, and environmental.
We will continue our efforts to promote SDGs activities in cooperation with Kanagawa Prefecture.


External Evaluation

Y-SDGs:Yokohama City SDGs Certification System

The Y-SDGs certification system evaluates companies or organizations that are willing to contribute to the realization of SDGs future cities and the achievement of SDGs in 30 items in four fields: “Environment", “Society", “Governance" and “Community,“ and certifies them in three categories (Supreme, Superior, and Standard) according to the status of their efforts.
In November 2022, Sodick was certified as "Standard" under the Yokohama City SDGs Certification System “Y-SDGs”.
