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Purchased machine tools, injection molding machines and food machines Contact us

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Products *
Machine model *
Manufacturing number *
First name *
Last name *
E-mail Address *
Email address (Confirmation) *
Country *
Company Name *
Company address
Telephone no. *
Please select type of inquiry *
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File Attachment
*Up to 5 files can be uploaded.
* If the number of points or capacity is large, it may take some time to upload.

Files that can be uploaded are
Only one of JPG/TIFF/BMP/TXT/ZIP format
・Within 20MB
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Files that can be uploaded are
Only one of JPG/TIFF/BMP/TXT/ZIP format
・Within 20MB
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Files that can be uploaded are
Only one of JPG/TIFF/BMP/TXT/ZIP format
・Within 20MB
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Files that can be uploaded are
Only one of JPG/TIFF/BMP/TXT/ZIP format
・Within 20MB
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Files that can be uploaded are
Only one of JPG/TIFF/BMP/TXT/ZIP format
・Within 20MB
It comes to.

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